On this blog, we used to post information about our visits to the border at Roxham Road, USA side. Since the closure of Roxham Road on Friday 24 March 2023, we're attempting to keep a log of the info we have about refugees who have been returned to the US. We're also now posting blogs about our personal experiences at the border. Sur ce blogue, nous avons affiché des informations sur nos visites à la frontière, Roxham Road, États Unis. Depuis la fermeture de Roxham Road le vendredi 24 mars 2023, nous essayons de tenir un répertoire des informations que nous avons cueillies sur les réfugiés qui ont été renvoyés aux États-Unis. De plus, nous postons maintenant des blogs sur nos expériences personelles à la frontière. |
Sunday February 25th, 3.45 -5 pm : Roxham Road, USA
Another mild day. Seven people crossed into Canada (6 adults and one baby) including a single woman with a baby on her back. The RCMP did tell people to go to the Lacolle border but did not insist.
Sunday February 18th, 3.45 - 5.30 pm : Roxham Road, Champlain USA.
A mild day above freezing. A total of 16 (6 children and 10 adults) people crossed over into Canada. One person was from the Democratic Republic of Congo, several were from Nigeria and three were from Haiti. One Haitian woman told the RCMP officer that she had a friend in Canada and the officer told her to go to the Lacolle border because she would 'see her friend sooner'. Another officer was quite aggressive in her manner. A damp cold day. Only eight people crossed into Canada today, including a Nigerian family with a baby and young boy, two young Haitian men and two other single men. The RCMP were polite and gave out the basic information to those preparing to cross.
Sunday, February 4th, 2018. 3.30 pm- 5pm. Roxham Road, USA.
A mild day. Only five people crossed into Canada. First came a Columbian family of four: young parents with two small children about 3 and 5 years old. Then came a single Nigerian man who said he had been living in the US for a while and he could not go back to his country and did not feel safe in the US. Everyone was happy to accept some gloves and scarves gloves. The RCMP officers made brief statements to those crossing and did not attempt to convince people to go to the official border crossing. Sunday, January 28th, 2018. 3.45pm - 5.30 pm. Roxham Road, Champlain, USA.
About 21 people crossed into Canada today. The weather was mild for winter, but some people were not adequately dressed and were grateful for some warm things. Four individual young men crossed; they were from Burundi, Sri Lanka and the Democratic Republic of Congo. A 15 year old Haitian boy crossed on his own, wanting to join his mother in Montreal and an officer spoke to him in Creole. Several families also crossed over: a Syrian family of five, a Nigerian family of five including a grandmother and a family of four of sub-Saharan African origin, and finally a single mother with a teenage boy. In all cases the RCMP officers asked the asylum seekers whether they had family in Canada, and repeated numerous times that people should go to the Lacolle border crossing. |
AuthorThe earlier border visit reports were written by the volunteers who were at the border on that day, the later updates about the situation in the US are an attempt to keep a log of what we find out through our own visits in the US, or through contacts in the US. Archives
January 2025
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