On this blog, we used to post information about our visits to the border at Roxham Road, USA side. Since the closure of Roxham Road on Friday 24 March 2023, we're attempting to keep a log of the info we have about refugees who have been returned to the US. We're also now posting blogs about our personal experiences at the border. Sur ce blogue, nous avons affiché des informations sur nos visites à la frontière, Roxham Road, États Unis. Depuis la fermeture de Roxham Road le vendredi 24 mars 2023, nous essayons de tenir un répertoire des informations que nous avons cueillies sur les réfugiés qui ont été renvoyés aux États-Unis. De plus, nous postons maintenant des blogs sur nos expériences personelles à la frontière. |
Sunday, June 16th 2019. Afternoon at Roxham Road, USA.
A total of seven people crossed into Canada today: six men and one woman. A shuttlebus arrived about 20 minutes after we arrived bringing six men aged from about 20 to 30 years old. Three men were of African origin, possibly Nigerian and the other three individuals were from Turkey, El Salvador and China. They did not engage with us before crossing over. Later, a car drove up with 2 men and a young woman in her 20s who was from Liberia. Her older brother and a friend had come to accompany her. She was the only one to cross over. They were very appreciative of our gesture to be there. The RCMP officers were very appropriate with clear communication, making sure the refugees understood English.
Sunday June 9th, 2019. Afternoon at Roxham Road, USA.
A hot day with plenty of bugs! We entered the US at the Moores' crossing and the customs officer was unfazed by our brief explantation of our destination of Roxham Road. Only three people - all adults - crossed into Canada while we were there. First arrived a taxi from the bus station bringing two friendly young men about 30 years old. They were from Angola and Nigeria. They were not travelling together but had met "at the park" . One of them thanked us for our well wishes. Shortly afterwards another taxi arrived with a young woman who was in a big hurry to enter Canada. She waited only long enough to listen to the RCMP officers and then crossed quickly. RCMP officers respected their protocol. Sunday, June 2nd 2019. Afternoon at Roxham Road, USA.
It was a muggy afternoon. The mosquitoes were out in force! Nine people crossed into Canada today. First came a taxi bringing an exhausted group of people from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The group included two adult men, a little boy about six years old and a woman carrying a small girl about 2 years old. The woman looked very stressed and distraught. They entered Canada without incident. Next came a taxi bringing three people: a single woman of African origin who spoke French and was struggling with two large suitcases and a friendly young couple from Columbia carrying only backpacks. The couple spoke some English and were happy to exchange a few words. They all crossed into Canada without incident. Very soon after this a taxi brought an anxious young man from Angola who went to the border's edge. No RCMP officer appeared so he crossed over and went to the RCMP building. With the first two groups the RCMP respected their protocol. |
AuthorThe earlier border visit reports were written by the volunteers who were at the border on that day, the later updates about the situation in the US are an attempt to keep a log of what we find out through our own visits in the US, or through contacts in the US. Archives
January 2025
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