On this blog, we used to post information about our visits to the border at Roxham Road, USA side. Since the closure of Roxham Road on Friday 24 March 2023, we're attempting to keep a log of the info we have about refugees who have been returned to the US. We're also now posting blogs about our personal experiences at the border. Sur ce blogue, nous avons affiché des informations sur nos visites à la frontière, Roxham Road, États Unis. Depuis la fermeture de Roxham Road le vendredi 24 mars 2023, nous essayons de tenir un répertoire des informations que nous avons cueillies sur les réfugiés qui ont été renvoyés aux États-Unis. De plus, nous postons maintenant des blogs sur nos expériences personelles à la frontière. |
We arrived shortly after 3:00 pm. The first taxi arrived at 3:35 bringing a young couple from Zimbabwe. They had quite a lot of luggage but the taxi driver didn’t leave the car or open the trunk of the car for them. The RCMP officer was polite and to the point, telling them that they would be arrested if they crossed. They proceeded calmly.
We waited for an hour before another taxi arrived with a young Haitian man. He was quite nervous and didn’t seem to understand that he could cross after the RCMP had finished explaining that he would be arrested. He looked back towards us and the taxi driver. We said it was okay to proceed if he understood what the officer had said. Then he crossed.
A warm sunny afternoon. We arrived shortly after 3pm. The police officers did not come out to check who we were. It was a long wait until 4.10pm when the first taxi arrived. The driver brought five people, all from Haiti. They included a man in his 40s, a man in his late 20's and a family of three with a little girl about 1.5 years old. Some accepted the offer of a glass of water to drink. The refugees spoke mainly Kreyol and we had a limited exchanges in French. The RCMP officer gave his speech in French without intimidation and everyone crossed into Canada without incident. At one point we saw the officer holding the hand of the little girl who seemed to be making friends with him. At about 4.25pm the second taxi arrived. He brought three friendlyTurkish men, two in their 20's and the other aged about 40. None of them spoke English or French. None of them had any luggage aside from two small plastic bags. Two men took a glass of water. There was a fourth man in the taxi from Haiti. He was very anxious and we were not really able to speak with him in French. He told us he spoke Kreyol and said the same to the police officer. He crossed first. Clearly the Turkish men did not understand what the police officer told them but they crossed into Canada without difficulty. The officer spent quite a bit of time using gestures to convey to them what he wanted them to do such as removing the contents of their pockets etc. The two officers behaved respectfully with the refugees. We waited until 5 pm and no more taxis arrived: a total of nine people crossed during our visit.
It was a quiet afternoon at Roxham. Only two men crossed. They were from Colombia. The RCMP spoke to them in Spanish.
AuthorThe earlier border visit reports were written by the volunteers who were at the border on that day, the later updates about the situation in the US are an attempt to keep a log of what we find out through our own visits in the US, or through contacts in the US. Archives
January 2025
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